Tilepiev Murat Shapenovich, Urazmagambetova Eleonora Uzakbayevna, Bеriкhаnоvа Gulsara Ezhenkhanovna, Serimbetov Murat Abutalibovich, Dyussembayeva Lazzat Kairatovna,. «One of the methods of finding a general solution of the Bernoulli equation»
Zaporoshchenko Ulyana Andreevna, Shiryaev Alexander Dmitrievich,. «Assessment of the economic feasibility of supplying electricity to a small enterprise from its own energy facility»
Shadimetov Yusufzhan Shadimetovich Ayrapetov Dmitriy Alekseyevich. «Current issues of air protection in the conditions of major cities of central Asia (on the example of Tashkent)»
Potapova Olga Evgenievna Garmata Arina Vitalievna. «Fictional language as a key aspect of the dystopian novel»
Jiang Zihui Makarova Ksenia Viktorovna,. «The evolution of color perception and the influence of emotions in high school students (using the example of traditional Chinese and Russian flowers)»
Shalygin Daniil Igorevich, Terekhina Natalya Vladimirovna, Bochkareva Lyudmila Petrovna,. «Correlation of psychological resistance to stress with occupational deformation at work»
Ibratova Feruza Mamadieva Sevinch. «Mediation in economic proceedings in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in the Federal Republic of Germany»
Frunze Tatyana Nikolaevna. «Formation of non-violent communication skills in foreign language classes in a higher education institution»
Ter-Sogomonova Alexandra Grigorievna. «The phenomenon of introducing infotainment techniques when covering socially important topics — a modern social reality show»