Sidorenko Andrei,. «The Comical and the Tragic in Liu Zhenyun’s Novel «Yellow flowers under the sky of the Motherland»»
Fedyuchenko Nikita Romanovich, Lipatov Maxim Sergeevich. «Investigation of the influence of high-temperature viscosity of engine oil on operational and service life indicators of internal combustion engines»
Bogacheva Elena Vasilevna. «Analysis of the relationship between the environmental situation in different regions of Russia and the detection of cancer in children of different age groups»
Kozlov Valery Vyacheslavovich, Lipatov Maxim Sergeevich. «Modernization of heat chambers of heat networks in order to introduce a remote monitoring system»
Egorova Maria Viktorovna, Moreva Yulia Leonidovna. «Development of wastewater treatment measures for powder pulp production»
Egorova Maria Viktorovna, Fedyuchenko Nikita Romanovich, Scientific adviser Moreva Yulia Leonidovna. «Development of measures for mechanical treatment of wastewater in powder pulp production»
Zhumazhanova Ayagoz,. «Features of lighting design and its influence on the perception of a modern interior»
Lipatov Maxim Sergeevich, Maximov Yakov Vyacheslavovich. «Application of new technologies on the example of unmanned vehicles using artificial intelligence»