Konovalova Daria Artemovna,. «Project as a method for forming cultural and hygienic skills in younger preschool children»
Glazova Nadezhda Sergeevna. «Studying the potential of game exercises and their influence on the formation of interpersonal interaction skills in senior preschool children»
Ataeva Aksona Orenepesovna, Scientific adviser: Druzhinina Maria Vyacheslavovna. «Formation of music therapy competence among preschool teachers»
Mironchuk Elena Valentinovna, Lvova Natalia Sergeevna, Mironchuk Dmitry Eduardovich. «The development of generalized professional skills among university students based on the integration of general pedagogy and theatrical art»
Shadimetov Yusufzhan Shadimetovich, Ayrapetov Dmitriy Alekseyevich. «Ecotourism and sustainable development»
Duyanova O. P.. «The effect of diet therapy with natural antioxidants in the diet of pregnant women with extragenital diseases on the development of pregnancy complications»